The trail leads to the phenomena of glacier retreat. It shows what the glacier leaves behind as it retreats. The conditions it creates for flora and fauna and how man uses the glacier's legacies. Every now and then a little nappy can be felt blowing down from the glacier. A cold kiss of the eternal ice. It smells of snow, ice, stone, water and pure mountain air.

Nur wenige können von sich behaupten, schon mal an einem Gletscher entlanggewandert zu sein. Wer diesen Themenweg beschreitet, gehört zu denen, die es ab jetzt können. Die 23 Stationen, die du dabei passierst, verraten Faszinierendes über das Phänomen Gletscher und die Geschichte des Furggletschers. Vorsicht: märchenhafte Bergkulisse direkt voraus!
- Strecke: von Schwarzsee nach Trockener Steg (6.5 km)
- Dauer: 2 h Hinweg, 2 h 15 min Rückweg
- Höhenmeter: 363
- Schwierigkeitsgrad: schwierig
- beste Jahreszeit: Juni bis September
Das Kombiticket ist das ideale Ticket für den Matterhorn Glacier Trail im Sommer.

Restaurant Schwarzsee
A few steps further and you reach Restaurant Schwarzsee. As a reward for your efforts you may like to treat yourself to one of the home-made Swiss specialities, ideally on the sun terrace. Restored after your meal and recovered from your walk, you can take the easy way back to Zermatt – by gondola lift.
The snowshoe tour along the Matterhorn glacier Trail is without a doubt one of the most beautiful experiences in the winter wonderland of Zermatt’s Alpine world. Accompanied by a qualified guide, you make your way along a route from Trockener Steg (2939 metres) to Schwarzsee (2583 metres).
Ahead of you lies an unspoiled winter world as you trace your tracks in the snow, climbing past the Theodul Glacier lake until you reach an isolated plateau. Time seems to stand still there. The world is peaceful, a soft blanket of snow covers the ground.
One after another, Alpine giants rise up at your side: the Matterhorn, the Dent Blanche and the Gabelhorn. A little further in the direction of the Matterhorn the path turns down towards Schwarzsee. Once the idyllic lake and the little “Maria zum Schnee” chapel appear, you are almost at your destination.

More information
- The guided snowshoe tour along the Matterhorn glacier trail takes place every Friday from 17 December 2021 until 22 April 2022.
- A minimum of 3 guests are required per tour
- Included: Journey from Zermatt – Trockener Steg / Schwarzsee – Zermatt, guides snow-shoe tour, snowshoes, avalanche transceiver (LVS device)
- Walking time: approx. 4-5 hours
- In case of unfavourable weather and snow conditions the tour will alternatively take place in the Sunnegga-Rothorn area.
- Not suitable for children under the age of 14
You can make a reservation for the snowshoe tour via ZERMATTERS.